Contributed an essay to the collection published in Turkish to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the first Turkish migration from Turkey to Belgium.
Contributed three poems to the collection published in Turkish and Dutch to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the first Turkish migration from Turkey to Belgium.
We come to the earth from a dark. We hear before we see. It is apparently quite noisy inside the womb, about 90 decibels, the level of background noise in an apartment next to an elevated train. There is first the flow of all liquids we hear, and the beautiful heartbeat of our mother. It […]
GARAGE BLUES – thriller – 4’24” – color – 2019A film by Rahaf Al-Obeid, Yüksel Çilingir, Limat Berhe Ghebremedhin, Jean Murat Swinnen, Sarah Hamdi, Gert-Jan Verdeyen, Joy Maurits, Simon Cools, Sherin Seyda. Production: Rand Abou Fakher, Victor Ghostin, Gawan Fagard, Gwendolyn Lootens, (Cinemaximiliaan), Sophie Benoot (LUCA). Production team: Maxime Grisart, Omar Al-Samarrai, Lubnan Al-Wazny, Abdulrahman […]
Afstandsonderwijs… We grijpen het tegenwoordig als reddingsvest. Maar is afstandsonderwijs voldoende? Voordat we deze vraag beantwoorden, moeten we eens kijken naar wat onderwijs of leren is… Wat is leren? Wat is onderwijs? Leren.. We beginnen te leren vanaf het moment dat we geboren zijn. Er is geen school of leraar. Er is alleen de omgeving […]
Photo of Gülcan Kahraman for her book advice article in De Morgen. Book: Madonna met bontjas – Sabahattin Ali
Photo series on theme of trains and train stations; Published in Akrostiş Literature Magazine “Stations” Edition. Also exhibited during the lancering event at Antwerp Station.
She first picked up the microphone when she was a 4-year-old girl. When she was 17, she supported young people by participating in social projects with her own songs. She became a psychologist, reaching out to women in distress. As a screenwriter and actor, she made spot films. Now she both as artist and social […]
Producer: Akrostiş Vocal / Actrice : Ülkü DursunGuitar : Emre DurgutStudio / Mix : Kadir KankilicStyling / MakeUp : Gulcan KahramanHair : De HaardrachtArt Director : Gülcan KahramanDirector / Cinematographer : Yüksel ÇilingirPost Production : Fabrique A
When colonialism and looting were deemed legitimate, the invaders saw everything in their own right. Natural resources, processed products … And the worst of all; people … They stole and sold them… They became nightmares for many people and took away their lives. As they claimed these places as an extension of their country and […]