One Hundred Years of Solitude.. I read this book by Gabriel García Márquez many years ago. When I read it, I felt like I was in a magical world. What I remember is an old woman who is blind but moves around the house as if she can see every point, and the one that […]
Introduction of Cinema Europa film screenings on BRUZZ radio with Cinemaximiliaan general coordinator Annabelle Van Nieuwenhuyse. Detailed news and program video can be found via this link.
Contributed an essay to the collection published in Turkish to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the first Turkish migration from Turkey to Belgium.
Contributed three poems to the collection published in Turkish and Dutch to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the first Turkish migration from Turkey to Belgium.
Life and humanity have no boundaries in essence. But it is again us: we create them for political reasons. I did my university internship in a factory in Poland with the student exchange program. In 1984, Eastern Europe was still behind the iron curtain. I encountered the reality of controlled borders at the entrance and exit of […]
We come to the earth from a dark. We hear before we see. It is apparently quite noisy inside the womb, about 90 decibels, the level of background noise in an apartment next to an elevated train. There is first the flow of all liquids we hear, and the beautiful heartbeat of our mother. It […]
Yes, fairy tales always start like this. Then continue with “The sieve is in straw…” in Turkish versions. We listened to them without thinking what the sieve was. It did not really matter anyway. The main thing was that the good won. Even if they could not meet sometimes, the lovers were always in love. Everything is possible in fairy tales. Dreams or troubles. But there is always a learning point. […]
We humans have always migrated. If it is to your liking, it is a multicultural world adventure. But if it is forced migration, it is an unpleasant journey. Separation from home, first of all. And always long for that. But if you are not received with empathy, or not received at all, it hurts much […]
“A madman far from the world,” says Turkish poet Sebahattin Ali for his melancholy state. The music group Yeni Türkü asks in their famous song: “Which is homeland for us, where is abroad”. Where are we actually? Nostalgia is described as longing for a moment or place in the past. Melancholy is a state […]
Notes inspired by two participatory artistic practices: Memories are some kind of recording system. Our lives pass before our eyes like a filmstrip. Then come the objects we interact with. They contain different aspects of life. Bell is one of them. Bells take place in different parts of social life, big or small. We see them in the churchs, in the hand of Santa Claus, […]