Most film festivals are called by the name of the city in which city they are organised. But there is a festival that breaks this rule; MOOOV Film Festival. In Belgium, it is carried out in seven different cities at the same time. Moreover, there are separate sections for children during the festival. And after […]
ALEGRIA ‘FOUR ‘N EARS’ ism LAS LLORONAS Alegria is een muzikaal project waarbij de muzikanten van Las Lloronas een diverse groep Genkse muzikale talenten begeleidt richting een huiskamerconcert 30/30/30 op 30 april in Cre@ief. Las Lloronas brengt met accordeon, gitaar en krachtige vocals muziek en poëzie. In een soort van zelfreflectie met authenticiteit, feminisme, vreugde en […]
In the end of February, Cinemaximiliaan organised a one-week workshop with master students of LUCA School of Arts, during which 5 short movies were written, shot and edited. All movies were made under the theme of “being stuck” and the tasks were divided equally within each group. GARAGE BLUES – thriller – 4’24” – color […]
Sometimes a sentence from a book remains in mind, sometimes a scene from a movie. From the movie Mandela, his fight with his wife has remained in my mind. When Mandela came out of jail and had power, he chose not to fight against the white, but against discrimination. His wife, on the other hand, was eager to take the revenge of the past years. The greatness of Mandela lies here rather than his years of torture and imprisonment.
Tightrope Walkers Every neighborhood had empty yards. “Where are you going, boy?”, the mother would ask. The answer was mostly “to the yard!”. Besides, every age had a peer. Most of them were also classmates at school. The children of the neigborhood plated football in the yards. But there was also, bike renting man who […]
Ter gelegenheid van Wereld Vrouwendag werd deze (poëzie) video gemaakt in 5 talen. In deze man gecentreerde wereld moeten we de trieste werkelijkheid steeds onder ogen zien, dat er geen gelijke rechten zijn…
One of the most questioned issues in urban transformation is its effects on those living in the area.